Sunday 25 February 2018

Von neumann Architecture and Harvard Architecture

There are two types of architecture
  1. Von neumann Architecture 
  2. Harvard Architecture 

Von neumann Architecture

  • It support simple hardware
  • One data path or bus exist for both instruction and data
  • Cpu does one operation at a time
  • Data sharing common bus
  • Single sequential memory
  • Very fast but small amount of memory
  • processor need to fetch code in a separate clock cycle and data in another clock cycle so it is required two clock cycle
  • Higher speed, thus less time consuming
  • Simple in design
ex: 8051 controller

Harvard Architecture 

  • It offers a separate storage buses for Instruction and data
  • Allow simultaneously access to both instruction and data
  • Single clock cycle is sufficient, as separate buses are used to access code and data
  • Slower in speed thus more time consuming
  • Complex in design
ex: PIC and ARDUINO controller

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